Strategic Coordination

The SWG oversees the development and evolution of the Center Vision, Strategic Plan, and high-level aspects of the Implementation Plan.

Scope and Goal

The Strategic Coordination Working Group (SWG) is responsible for facilitating high-level interactions with NSF and Government Stakeholders, as well as with the SpectrumX EAB. These groups will ensure alignment of the Center’s efforts with the goal of U.S. leadership in future wireless technologies, systems, and applications in science and engineering; and with U.S. spectrum regulatory and policy objectives, principles, and needs. The SWG is ultimately responsible for project selection, budgeting, and review, but relies heavily on the other Directors and their Working Groups to implement these processes. The SWG includes the Center Director, Associate Director, and Managing Director and welcomes all other Directors to engage in these discussions as appropriate.


Education and Workforce Development Deputy Director
National Radio Astronomy Observatory

Education and Workforce Development Director
The Ohio State University

Research Partner
University of Virginia

Research Project Manager
University of Notre Dame

Center Director
University of Notre Dame

Broadening Participation Director
University of Virginia

Research Director
Northwestern University

Policy Outreach Director
University of Notre Dame

Research Partner
University of Virginia

Policy Outreach Deputy Director

Broadening Participation Deputy Director
University of Virginia

Associate Director
University of Colorado Boulder


The Strategic Coordination working group meeting bi-weekly on Monday afternoons.

No meetings at this time.


No projects at this time