Research Planning Committee

The RPC was formed in June 2023. It replaced the previous Research Working Group as the main committee tasked with assessing and prioritizing ongoing research themes.

Scope and Goal

The RPC’s main functions are:

  1. Strategic planning – setting research priorities for the center, focusing and shaping the research vision and agenda;
  2. Providing guidance and oversight for the Flagship Projects;
  3. Soliciting and evaluating proposals for seed funding;
  4. Providing guidance for research funding allocations.


Research Partner
University of California at Los Angeles

Research Deputy Director and Flagship Project Lead
MIT Haystack Observatory

Center Director
University of Notre Dame

Research Director
Northwestern University

Policy Outreach Director
University of Notre Dame

Associate Director
University of Colorado Boulder


The Research Planning Committee meets bi-weekly on Thursday afternoons.

No meetings at this time.


Each Research Community meets once per month to share ideas, present ongoing research, and provide briefings on relevant policy activities. Currently, there are three Research Communities (RC). Technology and Measurements […]

Seed projects are intended to be small-to-moderate, limited-term investments to explore a new topic. Proposals may be multi-year, but funding is allocated on an annual basis. The call for proposals […]

The second SpectrumX flagship project will focus on creating models, measurements, and analysis that are relevant to the coexistence of scientific and critical systems with satellite systems and constellations. The […]

Flagship Project 1 (FP1) can be summarized as enabling next generation sensing, awareness, and understanding at scope. There will be a focus 7 to 8.4 GHz for relevance to the […]