Stephanie Adams

Dr. Stephanie G. Adams is the 5th Dean of the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Texas, Dallas. Previously Dr. Adams served as the Dean of the Frank Batten College of Engineering and Technology at Old Dominion University (2016–2019), Department Head and Professor of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech (2011–2016) and held faculty and administrative positions at Virginia Commonwealth University (2008–2011) and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (1998–2008).

Her research interests include: Broadening Participation, Faculty and Graduate Student Development, International/Global Education, Teamwork and Team Effectiveness, and Quality Control and Management.  In 2003, she received the CAREER award from the Engineering Education and Centers Division of the National Science Foundation. Dr. Adams is a leader in the advancement and inclusion of all in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education.  She has worked with a number of colleges and universities, government agencies and non-profit organizations on topics related to graduate education, mentoring, faculty development and diversifying STEM. A few examples include: The University of Michigan, North Carolina State University, NASA Must Program, QEM Network and the Gates Millennium Scholars Program.

Dr. Adams is a leader in the advancement and inclusion of all in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education.  She has had the privilege of serving on the Board of Directors for a number of STEM organizations including the American Society of Engineering Education, the National Society of Black Engineers, Women in Engineering ProActive Network, and the National GEM Consortium. She has also worked with the National Academy of Engineering, the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Institute of Industrial Engineers, the Quality Education for Minorities Network, and the Council of Graduate Schools to build supportive educational coalitions and partnerships in advancing the engineering profession and educational community.

Dr. Adams is the recipient of numerous awards, including: the 2017 WEPAN Founder’s Award; the 2016 ASEE Engineering Management Division Bernard R. Sarchet Award; the 2013 North Carolina A&T State University Distinguished Alumni Award; the 2008 DuPont Minorities in Engineering Award from the American Society of Engineering Education; the Holling Teaching/Advising/Mentoring Award, the Henry Y. Kleinkauf Outstanding Assistant Professor Teaching Award, the Assistant Professor Service Award and the Chancellor’s Fulfilling the Dream Award from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln; and the Janice A. Lumpkin Educator of the Year from the National Society of Black Engineers.  In 2005, she was selected as an AAAS/NSF Science and Engineering Policy Fellow and in 2006 she was an Invited Participant for the U.S. Frontiers in Engineering Symposium hosted by the National Academy of Engineering.

Dr. Adams is an honor graduate of North Carolina A&T State University, where she earned her BS in Mechanical Engineering, in 1988. In 1991, she was awarded the Master of Engineering degree in Systems Engineering from the University of Virginia. She received her Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Engineering from Texas A&M University in 1998, where she concentrated on Industrial Engineering and Management. She holds membership in a number of organizations and serves as Past President and a Fellow of the American Society of Engineering Education, is a member of the National Advisory Board of the National Society of Black Engineers and is a Diamond Life of member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated.

Ruth Milkman

Ruth Milkman is a partner in Quadra Partners, LLC, a strategic-advisory firm providing integrated expertise across business, finance, and public policy in the context of converging communications technologies.  Ms. Milkman served as the Chief of Staff of the Federal Communications Commission from 2013-2017 and Chief of the FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau between 2009 and 2013. From 1998-2009 she worked as one of the leading telecommunications lawyers in Washington as co-founder of Lawler, Metzger, Milkman and Keeney, a firm serving clients ranging from start-ups to large established telecommunications companies and private-equity firms.  Before joining Lawler, Metzger, Ms. Milkman held a variety of senior positions at the FCC, including Senior Legal Advisor to Chairman Reed Hundt and Deputy Chief of the International and Common Carrier Bureaus.

Ms. Milkman has a B.A. from Harvard University and a J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School.  She served as a clerk for the Honorable J. Harvie Wilkinson III on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.

Dennis Roberson

Dennis A. Roberson is President/CEO of Roberson and Associates, a Wireless Technology focused technology and technology management consulting company, Chairman of Board of entigenlogic, an Artificial Intelligence based Natural Language Understanding product company and The Caerus Institute, a patent development and support organization. He is also a Research Professor at Illinois Institute of Technology where he was co-founder of IIT’s Wireless Network and Communications Research Center and its Terrestrial Spectrum Observatory.  He also was co-founder of the Intellectual Property Management and Markets program housed in the Chicago-Ken College of Law and led the re-establishment of the Undergraduate Business Program at the University. His research focus has been on heterogeneous dynamic spectrum access networks; spectrum observation, measurement and management; and wireless interference detection and mitigation.

Previously he was Vice Provost for Research at Illinois Institute of Technology and before that Motorola’s EVP/CTO. He had an extensive corporate career including business/technology responsibilities at IBM, DEC (now part of HP), AT&T, and NCR. He has been and currently is involved with numerous technical, educational, and youth organizations including current board service on several technology-based companies. He served on the FCC’s Technological Advisory Council (TAC) for 23 years and as its Chair for eight years.  He also has served on the Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee (CSMAC) for the past 10 years.

Mr Roberson has approximately 50 published papers and book chapters and in recent years has become a frequent Blogger on technical topics of current interest including his Blog on the C-Band/Altimeter issue that garnered over 20,000 views.  Mr Roberson has 6 issued patents with several additional patents allowed or in process at the USPTO.  Mr. Roberson has BSEE and BS Physics degrees from Washington State University and an MSEE from Stanford.

Mr Roberson was accepted the role of Chairman of The Marconi Society in July 2023. Read his vision and interview for the society here.