Washington, DC



National Telecommunications and Information Administration Institute for Telecommunications Sciences (ITS) has established a SpectrumX Liaison / Visiting Researcher program.

National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s Office of Spectrum Management (OSM) entrusted SpectrumX with hosting a National Spectrum Strategy Listening Session for the solicitation and receipt and public comments and for the extension of the NTIA-ITS Liaison program to include Liaisons / Visiting Researchers engaging with OSM as well.

In November 2023, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) put out a request for information on the Implementation Plan for the National Spectrum Strategy (NSS). Seventy-five spectrum stakeholders responded to the request, including NSF SpectrumX, the U.S. National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Spectrum Innovation Center.
The University of Notre Dame’s DeBartolo Performing Arts Center became a national stage to host discussions on the formation of the U.S. National Spectrum Strategy on April 11, 2023. City employees, corporate representatives, trade associations and university researchers gave their input at the second of two National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Listening Sessions.
Paul Ransom’s interest in electrical engineering was piqued when he began working to upgrade his Walkman in elementary school. He was unsatisfied with the performance and began tinkering with it and other electronics to see how they functioned. “I wanted to boost the volume, because back in my days we liked to listen to our music loud,” Ransom said.
WASHINGTON – The Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) on Wednesday began seeking comment on identifying airwaves for more intensive use and innovative new uses by both the private sector and federal agencies. NTIA’s National Spectrum Strategy Request for Comment seeks input on creating a spectrum pipeline for the next decade of frequencies that could be studied for new or additional uses. The agency’s goal is to identify at least 1,500 megahertz of spectrum to study for potential repurposing – perhaps the most ambitious study goal for NTIA to date – to meet future requirements for non-federal