Philip Erickson's headshot

SpectrumX founding research partner named director of MIT Haystack Observatory

By Christina Clark

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has announced that Philip Erickson was named the director of the MIT Haystack Observatory, effective January 1, 2024. Erickson has served as the Observatory’s associate director and geospace lead scientist since 2020.

Erickson is a founding member and research partner of the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) SpectrumX, an NSF Spectrum Innovation Center. Erickson participated in Project Teams (PT) for Sensing and Data, as well as Working Groups (WG) in Policy and Economic Policy Research.

He has represented the Center in collaboration with his roles at MIT Haystack Observatory, the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) through the Committee on Radio Frequencies (CORF), and the International Union of Radio Science (URSI) National Radio Science Meeting (NRSM)

“On behalf of all the members of SpectrumX we congratulate Phil on his appointment as director of the MIT Haystack Observatory,” said Nick Laneman, director of NSF SpectrumX. “Although we may naturally see Phil less frequently in our working meetings, we are looking forward to an expanded role for other MIT Haystack researchers that he helped recruit to SpectrumX as we built this new center.”

Read more about Erickson’s appointment as director of the MIT Haystack Observatory here: MIT News.

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