Submitted by National Spectrum Consortium
The National Spectrum Consortium (NSC) is pleased to announce the Women in Spectrum Scholarship program. NSC intends to name at least five Spectrum Scholars during the inaugural 2022-2023 year of this program. With the Women in Spectrum Scholarship program, the NSC is hoping to further develop the pipeline of talented women engineers entering fields related to spectrum and communications. This effort is designed to encourage women scholars to continue to pursue careers in spectrum research and development.
The Executive Committee of the NSC will select women as Spectrum Scholars who are excellent incoming first-year or current students majoring in electrical engineering at an ABET-accredited university in the United States. Eligible candidates for the program should also have a direct family connection to an NSC member organization.
Spectrum Scholars will be awarded a $1,500 scholarship as well as up to $1,000 travel stipend to attend the 2022 IEEE MILCOM conference for an awards ceremony. In addition, Spectrum Scholars will be invited to connect with NSC Executive Committee members and others for mentorship opportunities.
To be considered as a Spectrum Scholar, please fill out the application form below. Applications are due on September 16th, 2022, and an announcement of the winners will be made at the end of September followed by an awards ceremony at the 2022 MILCOM conference, November 28 – December 2, 2022.
Eligibility: Women majoring in electrical engineering at an ABET-accredited
university in the United States and with a family connection to the NSC. This
can be anyone who knows the student and works at one of our member
companies (full list here). The student should fill out the application and
describe their connection.
Deadline: Sept. 16, 2022