The Latest News from spectrumx


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The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) published a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Tuesday, August 2, that the two agencies will be increasing their coordination on spectrum management efforts. Monisha Ghosh, SpectrumX Policy Outreach Director, Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Notre Dame and former Chief Technology Officer at the FCC, and Janice Obuchowski, SpectrumX External Advisory Board member, President and Chief Executive Officer of Freedom Technologies, and former Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information, within the Department of Commerce, NTIA, offered their comments.
The National Spectrum Consortium (NSC) is pleased to announce the Women in Spectrum Scholarship program. NSC intends to name at least 5 Spectrum Scholars during the inaugural year of this program (2022-2023). With this program, the NSC is hoping to further develop the pipeline of talented women engineers entering fields related to spectrum and communications.
A recent article published in the technology magazine IEEE Spectrum focused on the clash of U.S. billionaires over spectrum resources. The article, “SpaceX and Dish’s super-shady war for the world, or, why three billionaires are girding for battle over spectrum supremacy – why it matters,” was published on July 15, 2022.
Embodying SpectrumX’s mission of fostering a broad spectrum community, three former undergraduate students at SpectrumX Member Institutions are now pursuing spectrum-related graduate degrees. All three have chosen a different institution for their graduate studies, with all institutions involved in the Center.
Nick Laneman, center director of SpectrumX, the National Science Foundation Spectrum Innovation Center, and professor of electrical engineering at the University of Notre Dame; and William Webb, external advisory board member of SpectrumX and chief technology officer of Access Partnership, were consulted by Mitch Leslie on a recent paper in ScienceDirect.
On June 16 and 17, 2022, SpectrumX, the first U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Spectrum Innovation Center, held its inaugural center-wide meeting at the University of Colorado Boulder. The review meeting gave each working group and project team the opportunity to share updates and obtain feedback on their collaborative efforts. Presentations were given on the center’s numerous priorities, including policy outreach, broadening participation, education and workforce development, and research in such areas as use cases and coexistence, economics and policy research, radio and networking technologies, and data and machine learning.
On May 18, 2022, SpectrumX held its first External Advisory Board (EAB) meeting with the center leadership team at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana. The first U.S.National Science Foundation (NSF) Spectrum Innovation Center, SpectrumX is the world’s largest academic hub where all stakeholders can innovate, collaborate, and contribute to maximizing social welfare of the precious radio spectrum. The center is composed of 41 founding researchers and staff from 27 universities, and is partnered with the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), an NSF Major Facility. Founded in September 2021 with a 5-year, $25M grant from NSF, SpectrumX’s

We want to thank Roger Nichols, 6G Program Manager for Keysight Technologies, Inc. for presenting 6G and the Exploration of New and Additional Spectrum above 100GHz as part of the […]

Tanya Ennis has assumed a new role as the SpectrumX & Research Support Office Broadening Participation Director, effective March 21. She will be reporting both to Scott Palo, the associate […]

SpectrumX today announces that Dr. Josh Tullis has been named its Managing Program Director. Tullis will help establish the center’s headquarters in the Wireless Institute at the University of Notre […]

The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) has elected 111 new members and 22 international members, announced NAE President John L. Anderson. Congratulations to SpectrumX Research Partner Zoya Popovic, distinguished professor, and Lockheed Martin Endowed Chair, Electrical Computer and Energy Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder for being elected to this distinguished group.
Dr. Nick Laneman, Center Director of SpectrumX - the first NSF Spectrum Innovation Center, and Co-Director of the Wireless Institute at Notre Dame, recently gave a keynote presentation at IEEE DySPAN 2021. IEEE DySPAN is the premier conference on diverse issues related to spectrum sensing, access, sharing, coexistence, and utilization within current and emerging wireless tracks.

Scott Palo wants to send RALPHIE to space. RALPHIE the satellite, that is. The U.S. Air Force is providing support to help make it happen. Palo, a professor of aerospace engineering […]

Several members of the SpectrumX team are playing pivotal roles in the planning, execution, and presentations given at the IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks Conference, being held virtually December 13 - 15, 2021.
Are you interested in the wireless spectrum around us? Do you have the talent, knowledge, and willingness to research spectrum-related issues alongside faculty experts? Then, join us as a Postdoctoral Fellow and help solve the problems.

SpectrumX held a Kick-off Event on November 4 – 5, 2021 to launch the newly awarded National Science Foundation Spectrum Innovation Center.  A General Information Session opened the event to […]

Dr. Monisha Ghosh's government and technical expertise will significantly benefit the SpectrumX team.
The Notre Dame Wireless Institute is hiring a Managing Program Director to support its leading role in SpectrumX – An NSF Spectrum Innovation Center. This is a COO-like position for a highly motivated individual who will work closely with faculty leaders, research administrators, as well as industry and government collaborators to ramp up center operations and ensure long-term success and impact.
Dr. Nick Laneman presented an overview of SpectrumX to the Wireless Spectrum Interagency Working Group (WSRD IWG) to summarize the Center’s plans, identify key points of contact, and encourage government stakeholders to get involved.
University of Notre Dame-led SpectrumX is bringing together experts from 29 organizations to transform the landscape of spectrum research, education, collaboration and management. The center has received $25 million in funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) as part of its Spectrum Innovation Initiative.