
Research Deputy Director and Flagship Project Lead
MIT Haystack Observatory

I was born near Portland, Oregon. After attending high school in Seattle, I studied at the University of Washington, where I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics and a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science in 1994. I then joined the UW Geophysics Program and pursued studies leading to the Doctor of Philosophy in Geophysics in 1999. My work there focused on passive radar observations of the aurora borealis. Currently, I am a Research Engineer at MIT Haystack Observatory, where I develop and operate ground- and space-based radio science instrumentation.

My research focuses on radio science, advanced radar and radio arrays, space plasma physics, software radar, novel sensors and signal processing, and satellite instrumentation.

The second SpectrumX flagship project will focus on creating models, measurements, and analysis that are relevant to the coexistence of scientific and critical systems with satellite systems and constellations. The […]

Flagship Project 1 (FP1) can be summarized as enabling next generation sensing, awareness, and understanding at scope. There will be a focus 7 to 8.4 GHz for relevance to the […]