Dr. Nick Laneman, Center Director of SpectrumX – the first NSF Spectrum Innovation Center, and Co-Director of the Wireless Institute at Notre Dame, recently gave a keynote presentation at IEEE DySPAN 2021. IEEE DySPAN is the premier conference on diverse issues related to spectrum sensing, access, sharing, coexistence, and utilization within current and emerging wireless tracks.
This keynote focused on the vision of wide-band, wide-area sensing and data-driven management of the precious radio frequency spectrum being pursued by the centers. Specifically, Dr. Laneman gave an overview of SpectrumX’s plans to organize a number of activities at the national level, to conduct interdisciplinary research, workforce development, industry and government collaborations, and policy outreach to help bring this vision closer to reality. He highlighted a number of opportunities for researchers, industry and government collaborators, and students to engage with SpectrumX.
Laneman then focused on the RadioHound project that has been pursued by the ND Wireless Institute for the past 6 years to develop low-cost sensor hardware, system software, pilot deployments, and basic research inspired by the platform. Finally, he invited members of the spectrum research community to provide feature requests for the sensors as well as ideas for the next round of pilot deployments and data collections.
SpectrumX is a diverse and interdisciplinary group of scientists, engineers, and educators with backgrounds in EE, CS, Aero, Astronomy, Geoscience, Economics, Policy, and Workforce Development. We conduct strategic research and workforce development projects to transform spectrum management.
The IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN) is a premier conference on diverse issues related to spectrum sensing, access, sharing, coexistence, and utilization within current and emerging wireless tracks. The conference welcomes papers on both technology and policy issues that pertain to all aspects of advanced spectrum technologies.
This year’s DySPAN will emphasize topics related to the application of machine learning and dataset creation within the wireless domain; systems aspects of wireless research, including small- and large-scale emulation/experimental results; and spectrum usage beyond the classical microwave bands. The conference aims to bring together both industry and academic papers in a common forum for sharing experiences and accelerating the state of the art in wireless technologies.
Dr. Laneman’s Slide Presentation: